Posted in Inspirational, life, Quotes

George Bernard Shaw: β€œLife isn’t about finding yourself.” – Inspirational Quote of the Week

Happy Tuesday!

Today’s timeless quote comes from the great Irish playwriter George Bernard Shaw written in his satiric work “An Unsocial Socialist”, published at the end of XIX century.

Isn’t it an interesting point of view?

I don’t know about you, but I grew up thinking: What is my purpose in this life? What is the reason for my being? What are my talents? and When will I find myself?

And the truth is, very few people know their talents from a young age. And even if they know their talent, lots of hard work and learning is needed to master a talent i.e. to create yourself.

For the rest of us, where the talent is not defined early, we need to:

  • learn new things on a regular basis;
  • repeat what we know to master a skill,
  • connect our knowledge and build on top of it.

This is basically the process of creating ourselves. Once we start sharing our knowledge, helping others, getting a sense of accomplishment, and even feeling happy with our contribution, then we can say we created ourselves. But that’s not the end of it – lifelong learning continues and self-development never stops.

Thanks and stay safe!