Posted in happiness, Inspirational, life, Quotes

Maya Angelou: “Don’t Complain.” – Inspirational Quote of the Week

Happy Wednesday!

Today’s quote is really powerful, but you have to be ready to change and be emotionally mature to be able to make it work for you. 

What should you do when you are not happy with the reality? You should cultivate a “can-do” attitude and start changing the life around you one-step-at-a-time, piece by piece until you build a happier place for you and people surrounding you.

If things are out of your hands, and it’s hard to alter the reality around, you should try to change your way of thinking and make the most of the situation, keep positive and find the things that makes you happy.

Here are 10 tips to complain less and stop the negative thoughts so you can focus on finding solutions and be happier:

  1. Shift your thinking from negative to positive thoughts
  2. Be less judgmental to you and the others
  3. Make a list of things you’re grateful for
  4. Be the change you wish to see in the world
  5. Accept responsibility
  6. Keep moving forward and take care of yourself
  7. Find what makes you happy.
  8. Practice yoga
  9. Allow yourself to vent every once in a while
  10. Be more mindful and assertive

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