Posted in Inspirational, life, Quotes

Martin Luther King Jr.: “You have to keep moving forward.” – Inspirational Quote of the Week

Happy Wednesday!

What does it mean to you to keep moving forward? Here are some points on what it means to me and practices and trying to implement:

  • Stay positive, find positive – make the best of a bad situation. Researchers say that up to 80% of our thoughts are negative. You should learn to recognize your negative thoughts and switch to positivity, which will make you feel better about yourself and your life. Imagine having 80 percent positive thoughts!
  • Don’t quit early – you need to try one thing enough times to make it work and learn how to perfect it. If you give up too early you might never build resilience to cope with difficult situations.
  • Keep learning –  whether it’s in the office or in personal life, you stumble upon random things you don’t know but can make your life and work better. Take the time to learn more about them and start using and implementing new techniques.
  • It’s not a race, and you should move at your own speed. Complete one task at a time and then move to the next one. Multitasking is creating stress and overwhelming – it feels like you have a mountain of work on your shoulders, you don’t know where to start and lose a perspective of which task is more important and the priorities overall.
  • Learn to deal with the disappointment – recognize that what you are going through now is not permanent. Take the time to refocus and gain clarity, and prepare for the next challenge.


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” ~ Albert Einstein

Hope you are keeing your balance and moving forward every day!