Completed Courses on from LinkedIn

Topics include: Relational databases; Keys and unique values; Planning a database; Creating tables; Defining relationships; Normalization and denormalization; Writing queries; Sorting results; Joining tables; Modifying data
Learned how to request data from a server, limit and sort the responses, aggregate data from multiple tables with joins, and edit and delete data.
Learned how to retrieve data, join tables, calculate rolling averages and rankings, work with dates and times, use window functions, aggregate and filter data, and much more
Topics include: How databases are organized; Selecting rows and columns; Creating new tables; Inserting and updating data; Sorting and filtering; Accessing related tables with JOIN; Working with strings; Understanding numeric types; Using aggregate functions and transactions; Automating data with triggers; Creating views; Using CRUD functions
Topics include: Retrieving data with SELECT 0 statements; Filtering and sorting your results; Transforming results with built-in SQL functions; Grouping SQL results; Merging data from multiple tables; Using variables, functions, and procedures
Learned how to connect various data sources, including Excel, databases, and web data sources like Wikipedia. Explore how to search and transform your data using the built-in Query Editor.