Strengths & Talents

What sets me apart from others?

Thinking Conceptually – seeing the “big picture” behind a problem & focusing on the underlying, more complex issues. This comes from a strong preference intellectual complexity and natural curiosity for knowledge (reading books, articles, the news, etc.). Having a curiosity to search for root causes, a desire for intellectual complexity and a holistic perspective on problems.

  • Abstract, multi-dimensional solver
  • Incorporate ambiguity and nuance to new directions
  • Seek to solve the bigger problem, not just the symptoms
  • Look below the surface for the deeper complex meaning and implications of a situation.

Building Consensus – making an effort to help a group reach consensus, showing extra distance to be patient. Peers are aware of my sensitivity and very understanding. Preferring to work in teams, to be compromising, democratic, sensitive and and understanding toward others.

  • Always a “team player
  • Help promote shared goals
  • Makes sure all voices are heard to ensure efforts are aligned

Thriving in Chaos – striving to maximize productivity & get a lot done in a day. Don’t enjoy too much structure and organization, as it can slow the efficiency while multitasking. Enthusiastically thriving under seemingly chaotic demands and overlapping priorities. Displaying a preference for multi-tasking.

  • Nimble and responsive to customer needs
  • Operate at best in the midst of chaos
  • Maintain control in ambiguous times, can reassure and help others do the same
  • Demonstrate a high need for action

Focusing on Results – focusing on the career & dedicating to it. Takes the work seriously and easily puts full effort and time into job that has to be done. Making personal sacrifices and expending extraordinary dedication and work ethic for the career.

  • Fully dedicated hard worker
  • Does what it takes no matter to get the job done
  • Easily put work first

Overcoming Adversity – Optimistic, not giving in to the potential for failure. Consistently draw upon inner resolve and discipline to sustain motivation to finish what has started. Long after others have given up, self-discipline allows completing tasks to the finish line. Optimistically pursuing difficult challenges and being positively motivated in the face of adversity.

  • Easily bounce back from failures and set backs
  • Known for optimistic, can-do attitude
  • Serve as role-models of fearlessness when challenges are mounting

My top five themes of talents, ranked in the order revealed by my responses to the Clifton Strengths Finder, published by Gallup:

  • Ideation – being fascinated by ideas & able to finds connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.
  • Relator – enjoys close relationships with others & finds deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.
  • Deliberative – takes serious care in making decisions or choices & anticipating the obstacles.
  • Restorative – adept at dealing with problems & good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it.
  • Achiever – has a great deal of stamina, works hard & takes great satisfaction from being busy and productive.