EZ Excel YouTube Tutorials

In May 2020, I have created EZ Excel YouTube Channel.

The main purpose of the channel is to share some tricks and hidden capabilities of Excel that might not be so obvious, popular, and known by the majority of people using the program. These videos will be especially helpful to students and newly hired. All videos are made with real-world examples and are easy to follow and understand.

Learn the benefits of using Named Ranges; how to create, update and delete Named Range; how to create multiple Named Ranges at the same time; how to refer to Named Ranges in formulas and 3 ways to create Dynamic Ranges.
Learn how to create tables, name the tables & use tables as reference in formulas, effectively keep data & get dynamically updated results.
Step-by-step tutorial on how to build World Geographic Heat Maps in Excel, using Covid-19 data from World Health Organization.
Learn two easy ways to create a Heat Map in Excel with Conditional Formatting – visually representing the variation of tracked data in variety of colours with different intensity and colour hues.
Learn how to use Excel’s Conditional Formatting options and apply different background colours as well as other features, like Data Bars, Icon Sets and Colour Scales to emphasize data, make it eye-catching, help to spot trends and patterns.
10+ examples of how to use Auto Fill, Custom Lists and Flash Fill to safe time, speed up your work and make your daily Excel tasks less tedious and boring.
Step by step instructions on how to build a dynamic Measurement Converter in Excel, practicing dependable drop-down lists with data validation, defining lists names, functions like VLOOKUP, INDIRECT & CONVERT, as well as recording and using a macro.
Learn how to use Excel’s Find and Replace feature to quickly search for specific text, number or special character and replace them with others. Learn how to use Excel’s Go To Special feature to select all cells with formulas, comments, conditional formatting, constants, data validation, etc.
Beginner’s introduction to Workbooks and Worksheets. Shortcuts to create new, open, close, save and switch from one workbook or worksheet to another.
Beginner’s introduction to Excel’s Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar Customization. Learn what are Tabs and Groups in Excel, how to add and remove commands to the ribbon or to the Quick Access Toolbar. Create new Tabs and Groups and add customize your Excel Ribbon.