Posted in Books, Motivation, Quotes, success

Seven Reasons You Might Fail to Become the Best in the World, defined by Seth Godin in “The Dip”

In his bestselling little book “The Dip”, the famous business marketer and author Seth Godin proves that winners are really the best quitters. Godin helps us understand that winners quit fast and often, and without feeling guilty – until they commit to beating the right Dip.

Every new project, job, or hobby starts out exciting and fun until … it gets really hard, and not much fun at all. You might be in a Dip – a temporary setback that will get better if you keep pushing. But maybe it’s a total dead-end. What really sets the superstars apart is the ability to know if it’s a dead-end or temporary setback.

Winners seek out the Dip. They realize that the bigger the challenge, the bigger the reward for getting past it. If you can beat the Dip to be the best, you’ll earn profits, glory, and long-term security.

Do you quit often? Can you handle “the dip”?

Seven Reasons



If you haven’t yet, consider reading it:

The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick)

Posted in Books, life, Personality, success

Book: The Algebra of Happiness by Scott Galloway


This book should be on everybody’s nightstand! It contains so much wisdom and truth, extracted from the author’s experience and knowledge, accumulated through the years and written with a fantastic sense of humor. 

Reading this book made me feel a lot better about myself and my life journey, accomplishments, and my perception of being happy. 

Scott Galloway is the New York Times bestselling author of The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google and a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business.

The curve of Happiness thought the life journey

Just some of Scott Gallaway’s pieces of advice for Living a Happy Life:

  • If you find you are stressed, recognize this is a normal part of the journey and just keep on keeping on.
  • Lack of balance in the twenties and thirties, sweat and work translate into balance later. Get busy while you are young.
  • The definition of “rich” is income greater than your burn rate.
  • In 50s married couples have 3x the assets of their single peers. Why? Sharing expenses, streamlining decisions, buying assets that increase in value instead of things that rust, rot, or depreciate.
  • Career advice: A less sexy job equals more professional fulfillment. A sexy job equals less fulfillment. A boring company equals a good investment. An exciting company equals a bad investment.
  • Serendipity is a function of courage. Nothing wonderful will happen without taking a risk and subjecting yourself to rejection.
  • Drink less, think long term (compound interest), and spend money on social and experiences.
  • Give somebody a good death. Provide comfort to a loved one that is terminally ill.
  • Get the easy stuff right: show up early, have good manners and follow up.
  • Things vs Experiences – Studies show people overestimate the happiness that things will bring them, and underestimate the long-term positive effect of experiences. Invest in experiences over things.

Posted in communication, success, TED talks, Workplace

TED Talk: Julian Treasure of How to Speak to be Heard


What did I learn from Julian Treasure’s talk?

Seven deadly SINS of speaking. Let’s all try to avoid them!

  1. Gossip
  2. Judging
  3. Negativity
  4. Complaining
  5. Excuses
  6. Exaggeration/ lying
  7. Dogmatism

♠ ♠ ♠

Four elements which will improve the speech to be more powerful and important for the audience:

  1. Honesty = being true to what you say, being straight and clear
  2. Authenticity = just being yourself
  3. Integritybeing your word,actually doing what you say, and being somebody people can trust
  4. Love = wishing people well

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Six tools which will increase the power of speaking if used in the right way:

  1. Register – speak with deep lower voice if you want to project power and with authority;
  2. Timbre the way the voice feels (people prefer voices which are rich, smooth and warm);
  3. Prosody – the patterns of stress and intonation in speaking;
  4. Pace – how quickly we speak;
  5. Pitch – high or low
  6. Volume


Posted in success, TED talks, Workplace

TED Talk: Richard St. John About the Secrets of Success

Presenting two brief, but insightful and inspirational talks by the success analyst Richard St. John

Here are the 8 secrets of SUCCESS:

  1. Have PASSION and LOVE what you do.
  2. WORK hard and have FUN while you work.
  3. Be GOOD in what you do and PRACTICE, practice, practice.
  4. FOCUS on ONE thing.
  5. PUSH yourself mentally and physically.
  6. SERVE others something of VALUE.
  7. Have IDEAS.
  8. PERSIST through failure, criticism, rejection, assholes and pressure.


Thank you, Richard St. John, for being successful and reveal the 8-traits to be great!

… and here is my next good read …

8 to Be Great: The 8-Traits That Lead to Great Success

Posted in TED talks, Workplace

TED Talk: Scott Dinsmore about How to Find a Work You’ll Enjoy

“… Of the people I’d sit down with for lunch, 80 percent would quit their job within two months.” 

“Why are you doing the work that you’re doing?” And so often their answer would be, “Well, because somebody told me I’m supposed to.” And I realized that so many people around us are climbing their way up this ladder that someone tells them to climb, and it ends up being leaned up against the wrong wall, or no wall at all.” says Scott Dinsmore.